I'm tired and I need to be well

I know depression is setting in and I can’t see any way out. Next week I see my mental health worker and my dr. Its so hard to fake happy so my kids and other family don’t worry. I feel immobile. I’ve just got to get it together.

Yea I know what u mean.

It’s that tiring " smile " that wears u down.

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Try making a list of accomplishments.

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I felt like that and Prozac and amyloban helped tremendously. I feel totally different now. I was suffering from soul crushing fatigue and adonhia and now I’ve got energy and a good mood.

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@Moonwalker so you had anhedonia and amyloban 3399 took care of that?

And by the way - sorry for derailing the thread -, are you portuguese? I saw you say somewhere you were in Portugal

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Well I started taking Prozac a couple weeks before amyloban. The ad helped but there was much to be desired. Since starting amyloban I seem to have more energy each day. I might cut modafinil back it’s so much.

I’m American but moved to Portugal 2 years ago


I’m American, but have never been to Portugal. Lol

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Yeah, faking happiness is hard work. Drains you and leaves you feeling like a shell of yourself. I’ve always hated the whole “fake it till you make it” advice. Used to make me angry, because i faked it all the time and things never miraculously got better. Hang in there @FatMama! Not long until you get your review.

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Cool. How are you liking it so far? (Living in Portugal)

Are you still taking Amyloban ? Please update!

Yes still taking amyloban. I’m feeling normal which is a huge improvement over where I was. Definitely a miracle worker. I struggled with fatigue for years and now it’s gone. Must also mention I started Prozac about the same time

I’ve been in Portugal almost 3 years. I like everything but the fact I don’t speak Portuguese

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