I have no friends in real life who are mine and not associates of my wife. All my friends are over the net or the phone. I wouldn’t trade them for the world, but there’s something to be said about being able to meet up with someone face-to-face instead.
Right now I’m trying to work on socializing myself. My interpersonal skills are somewhat lacking. I’m picky about who I befriend, and I don’t do drama too well. The standard way of meeting people - going out - is not something that’s easy for me. I don’t want to join a book club or hang around some shitty bar. I don’t drink alcohol, and the only drink I’m interested in is a soda. I don’t want to go to college, and I feel rather unambitious. You know, the pesky negative symptoms.
Ideas on how to get out and meet people? How can I get the upper hand on this?
Volunteering a couple hours a week to a local charity might be the way to go if you’re unable to handle part time work at this time. You could network and meet new people…the right kind of people with big hearts who are giving of their extra time.
Alright, @Patrick and @shutterbug, what do I do for volunteer work? I don’t want to work at the dog/cat shelter. That’s the main gig that comes to mind. I like animals, but pet dander sends my asthma into overdrive. I don’t know what to do with myself.
You could volunteer for literacy training. However, I have to warn you, some of those people cannot grasp certain concepts like syllables and consonant blends. They aren’t dumb. It’s more like a learning disability. If you’re ambitious you might tutor people on how to take the GED. You would probably get more motivated people doing that. You also might tutor immigrants in how to speak English. It might give you an opportunity to work on your Spanish.
I started out by visiting seniors at a local lodge. Lots of folks with no family who could use a partner to play cards with, and, most importantly, listen to their stories. I am sure you can find a local volunteer office that will happily match you up with something that works for you.
@Patrick and @shutterbug, I like it!! No, really, superb ideas. I’m gonna tell a tale.
I volunteered at a soup kitchen as a teen when I was in a group home. We went on the second Wednesday of each month or something like that. Anyway, we had a set schedule where once a month the cottage I was in would go downtown and feed the homeless. We did it all, washing dishes, serving, cleaning up, and even sitting down and kibbitzing with them as they ate. It was run by a church, but done at some sort of meeting hall. Anyhow, bottom line, I had a really good time. It was fulfilling.
As to the suggestion for hanging with seniors, I could easily do that. There is a place here in town that is for mentally challenged men. I think they are all screened for violence and weeded out if they are aggressive. I can get more details. One of the women who works where my wife does has a second job, and it’s at that facility I’m talking about. I could talk to her and get the skinny on it.
Thanks you two for the ideas. Love 'em both! I gotta spend tomorrow morning on the phone chasing down dental insurance, so I’ll just wrap all this into one big project. I’ll just plan on spending tomorrow on the phone.
there are place that my take you on as a helper , and some pay under the table or trade labor for goods farmers … there are used shops needing shalfer . make time watching the store on slow days.