I'm so bored, there's not even anything to clean

I can’t think of one thing that sounds fun. I’m a wet blanket.


You can clean something outside that is easy to clean.

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I guess I could clean the front door, other than that I live in an apartment complex and the worker does everything

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My days are quite boring as well. Don’t work, don’t volunteer only get out for group’s. Tired of listening to music and watching TV.

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Do you have a car? You can clean that.

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no. I don’t have a car, but if I did I would go out and detail it, that would be perfect

I’ll fly you to my place. Plenty to clean here ! :smiley:


That sounds like a fun challenge.

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You can clean my place, i will beat @everhopeful offer of a flight and throw in a Starbucks Coffee :open_mouth:


boys, boys no need to fight. I can clean both places with the right amount of Starbucks.


Hanging on my livingroom wall is



I think I fallen for you

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