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i was so excited to have my own place at first. for the first year, i thought it was great. but lately im looking at all the negatives of the place and would like to upgrade my living condition. if i move to the city there will be more to do, so i wouldn’t stay at my place all the time. i don’t want a mansion or anything, but i want a nice place. so it’s going to have to be back to work for me.

but it’s not a terrible situation for me, the biggest downside is the necessary driving as it’s kinda in the country and a commute to things. the positives are i have my 1200 sq ft place. a nice yard, which requires maintenance, can fish, can kayak, a couple bathrooms, more than i need. the weather doesn’t bother me 10 months out of the year. neighbors aren’t terribly close, so don’t hear them. and mom and dad are close. those are the plusses.

im thinking of either getting a condo or a small house somewhere. i don’t want much land, as i don’t like the maintenance required. i guess once i got a taste of having my own place, it raised my standards. hoping to be moved out by age 42.

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