I'm kinda sad today

Having a bad day. No one gives a crap about how I feel. This girl still ignoring me.


I’m not a irl friend but I don’t want you to be sad bro. Just try to be kind to yourself man…


I think you’re doing great.

You moved countries. Are following classes. Survived an invasion of silverfish and are meeting new people.

Chin up.


What does that even mean? How to do it?

Man… I cannot talk to people, I just babble with a strong spanish accent…


I hate my accent. They will be like where the ■■■■ is this guy coming from.

Idk bro…In My life when I feel bad I remind myself that it’s not easy going through what I’m going through. Like I get caught up in what’s wrong and start to get down on myself on top of feeling bad.

I was taught that when you have bad day or feelings that aren’t easy to deal with you take care and be kind to yourself. … If that girl came up to you and said you were wonderful and she wanted to date you it would cheere up your day…maybe be the person for yourself too.

It doesn’t always work for me but I deal with A LOT of negative emotions and trying to be friendly to myself worked way better than when I was just drowning in the negative emotions…

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Thanks bro… I’ll try to put a stop to the bad thoughts. It’s difficult.

You went through a lot of stuff as well, and I know you can feel really bad about people. I’ll take your advice…


I learned self compassion through a lady named Tara Beach. It might not work for everyone but when I was in the super dark days that stuff made it a little easier.

Also… I think she was saying something about how it’s not about changing thoughts but your relationship to them …shits hard as hell to do bro


Thanks man, you mean Tara Brach?

Btw this girl keeps beeing coooold to me. Kinda mean without reason as well…

If you could explain this I would be grateful :pray:t3:

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It’s not a girl ignoring you it’s you ignoring yourself

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As above so below as within so without

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Yea…Tara brach lol

I’m in the same boat and for me I think not pursuing my ex is the answer but idk your situation.

Your feelings/thoughts aren’t truth… like when I feel like a clown it’s not true just a feeling. The relationship is not believing everything you think and feel. I’m a hypocrite because this has been hard as hell for me but it works sometimes when I can do it .

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That’s true I agree. But this girl is worth it…


Thanks bro… I’m just hanging on with some coping mechanism like doing homework or cleaning the appartment to distract myself.

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Besides the girl is school going well?


Yeah! It distracts me. I feel like a moron tbh this girl is ■■■■■■■ up my mental

What are you getting your degree for?? Like what major?

Also… I saw this chick yesterday who was a delivery driver and she was on point man. When I got my groceries from her I turned into a little boy lol she ■■■■■■ upy head in like 3 seconds :smile::sob:

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It’s a master in music and composition


That’s what I figured! That’s what’s up man… maybe you can give me some pointers when u finish :grin: