I'm going to forget it

Our psychiatric care provider called us today and told us they will be closed tomorrow. My friend won’t be able to get his money as they are his payee. He said he would pay me the money he borrowed Tuesday when they open.

I told him not to worry about paying me back. It was only maybe $10.00 or so, mainly for some cigarette rolling papers and sodas out of the vending machine. I haven’t even kept track of how much. Our psychiatric care provider was closed all last week due to snow, and he was unable to get any money from his case manager. I really don’t care about the money. He doesn’t usually borrow any.

Besides, he has a car and gives me lifts when I need them.


That sounds ok, I get my frinds coffee now and then but those are close friends if i was getting a free lift from a frined least i could do was shout him a coffee :slight_smile:

My friends before lockdown would organise a weekend out and they would all chip in and give me something, it worked out more than the petrol money lol, it was cheaper than a taxi for them though thats for sure.


He makes $803 a month while I’m making $1,741 a month. I told him I was blessed and didn’t mind sharing. We both are on Social Security. I had a good lawyer who sued Social Security for my disability benefits. I wasn’t receiving any before he sued.

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