I'm feeling like I want to move to

NYC. Mainly to get away from my ex lover for good. Last time I did this, I joined the US Air Force and went to Phoenix, AZ mainly to escape my ex husband. I’m feeling like I got to escape a lover again. Like it’s the only way I can permanently get her out of my life is to put a lot of geography between us. I kind of want to do it and I kind of don’t.

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Omg I want to move to Jasper in the mountains of Alberta to get away from my ex lover too but I can’t afford it right now, maybe in the future I can move there where my heart desires to be in the hot springs :blush:

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Is Jasper in Colorado? No, it’s in Canada. Or, is it?

Jasper Alberta in Canada

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Just a few days ago you were posting about moving in with her.
What happened?


As usual, and just as you guys all predicted, disaster happened. She backed out.

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Beautiful area. I lived in Banff for 2 years in my early 20s.

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Oh well. Life goes on.

Wow that must be frustrating. I hope you find what you’re looking for.

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I’m not looking for anything anymore @FatMama. I’ve lost all trust in womankind I’m afraid.

I’m sorry @SkinnyMe but yes your right, life goes on.

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Sorry this happened, hope you find peace.

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Don’t worry, @John_Raven, I have peace. That I have.


I didn’t mean relationship, I meant place to live. Sorry

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I thought you guys were getting along?

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New York City is really expensive I have heard. That’s one place I have never actually been. My oldest little sister loves New York. She is going there next week for a photo shoot.

She lives in the middle of downtown Atlanta. Loves city life. I like to visit occasionally but I enjoy the suburbs. I live right outside the city limits of my city. But I am no where near downtown.

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Unfortunately not. She’s too unstable. And I’m too stupid to learn.

Well I dont know how much money you have but NYC is one of the most expensive places you could live in this country. If I was moving it wouldn’t be my choice but you do what is best for you.

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Right now, I live in midtown Omaha, NE. It’s a relatively big city but not too big. The problem is, my ex gf is here and she always finds me. She has easy access to me here. And I have a lot of trouble resisting her. The problem is that she is a tech wizard and she will find a way to locate me online. She always does. And I don’t know if I could resist flying out to Omaha to be with her every time she contacts me is the problem. I used to do that with my ex husband. I wish I didn’t have such lousy boundaries.

I’ve been to NYC one time years ago in the early 90’s. I went with a female lover who was from NYC. Her mother owned two penthouses in Queens. I had a great time, even though it was the middle of winter.