I'm back again

I deleted my account but don’t want to so I’m back now


Welcome back…but dont make it sound like I banned you :stuck_out_tongue: . You asked for anon a few hours ago…


Sorry… I was being dramatic :grin:


Where is your blue avatar

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I like your new avatar. What’s it from? :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:

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Found it amongst a bunch of furry emojis

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Knew you would be back. They always do usually. lol.

People think they know better - and go looking elsewhere, only to find out they were best off here in the first place lol.

Nice to see you again buddy x


Beats being alone in this man… Can be a cold world.


Thats purely based on a persons perspective of life. If you close yourself off - you aint gonna get any joy mate .

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That’s the same thing my therapist keeps saying. I feel a change coming tho… hopefully good

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Good to have you back with us

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Mate. We have all felt the fear and anxiety. Sometimes you just got to step off that cliff and take a chance. Recovery is not about being safe.

Whatever issues you maybe going thru, you aint gonna get nowhere by trying to stay safe. Sometimes you just got to have a bit of faith in yourself and take a risk.

Im speaking in a psychology sense. We dont learn, unless we make the odd cock up now and again x

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depends where you are at really. I learned the most in solitude, no one to break me down or build me up. Puts you in a good position to try again, fresh start