I'm a nervous wreck

I sold my CPAP machine because it wasn’t doing the trick.

When the guy was at my home is started shaking like a leaf. I don’t know why?

I hate being like this. I’m always too freaking nervous around people.

He was kind though, and avoided eye contact.

I feel horrible!

At least I sold the device.


If you sell something online always meet somewhere public. You do not want strangers in your home. I’m sorry it was a bad experience and it is good you are safe.


He wanted to make sure it worked so I had to plug it in. I couldn’t do it in public.

I usually sell items on ebay and ship them but I was too lazy this time.

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There are plugs at mcdonalds. I’m not being bossy it is a safe thing to always meet away from home. I do understand though.


Well, at least I sold the device. One problem taken care of.

I hate the fact that I’m shaking when I’m trying to be normal. And it gets worse when I’m trying to avoid reacting to people. I think I’m ashamed.

I’ll avoid taking strangers in to my home. Thank you for looking out for me. :wink:

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Do not be ashamed. Next time meet in public and that is all. You do not need to feel bad you did nothing wrong.

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