If you are bored here are a bunch of pics of my dog in order from oldest to newest

i am bored so now u all get to see my dog
he was very sick in this first pic and looking for a place to lay

this one just him in a box

this is him sleeping which he does all the time

this is the most recent a month ago

he brought me the moneys!!!


Awww! He’s adorable! Especially the box picture

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which breed iz ur dog…!!!

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he is a cocker spaniel bichon mix


nice dog …!!!


That is one cute dog! :slight_smile:


I have been searching for a new pet too. Not sure yet, not very confident about this decision

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A woman at my local park in Edinburgh was walking her dog. It went into a bush and came out with a wad of cash! Some drug dealer had hidden it there the night before when he was getting chased by the police. She was going to keep it until a do gooder stepped in and phoned the cops to declare the find. Cos it was seen as proceeds of crime she didn’t get to keep the money. Gutted!

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that is a sad story I didn’t get to keep the money I found either I picked it up and took a picture because I had a feeling itd get taken away, minutes later my mom called telling me to bring the cash on the table out to her because she left it i had never even seen that much money before i still wonder what she needed it for and why she didn’t just use a card or check

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