i’m going to ask my doctor if i can get involved in football, i love having a kick about with my nephew when its nice sometimes. only thing i am worried about is my anxiety which has stopped me from doing things in the past but i think i will just try and slowly ease into so i am not totally destroyed after the first time.
You definitely should. If it turns out to be too much, you try a different thing
O.K lets kick it…
i am down for football r u…???
Sounds invigorating. I assume by the word “football” you’re talking about what we Americans call “soccer”. They’re starting to say American football causes brain damages. Those guys take an awful lot of heavy impacts to the head.
i’m pretty slow but i can chip a ball quite high and i can give a good ball in mostly although i did go too high and hit a car window last time oops (no damage), i’m also pretty good at keepy ups so i was hoping that there is something like a walking football game which i have heard of but not for old people more for mentally ill people.
i just want to kick a ball around really lol
Sounds fun, go for it.
What position? I was useless hence why I invariably ended up in goal and let in umpteen goals. Would you be a sturdy defender, a creative midfielder or a goal scoring forward?
defender probably
Are you tall ? In which case central defender would be a good position.
just 5ft 8" , i’m not that good at football as a game bc i can’t run around much bc i lack stamina so maybe one on one games i like the best, i use to play one touch football one on one when i was young and i like that.