I wish I could handle it better

When I feel mistreated anymore I just… Shut down. Everything lately has been so shocking and non stop and piling onto each other. I had a “friend” delete me off social media because she didn’t like a decision I had made (and later changed my mind about). I just think that is so petty. We are not teenagers. Using Facebook to just reject somebody you just caled your family. I’m lending her my car! We’ve never even been in a fight!

She told me she didn’t agree with my decision and I said fair enough and just noticed today she deleted me. This was weeks ago and she hasn’t said a word to me about it, she just has been ignoring me.

I’m tired of having ■■■■ going on. I have so few people in my life and I’m getting constant drama or disappointment in my basic needs. I know theres gotta be some role in doing here but I can’t figure it out. I truly am lost anymore on what I did to deserve this shitty life


Yea I can relate. I’ve got a friend, well, he’s been ghosting me and I no longer have his phone number. Doesn’t reply on social media and can’t pay him a visit since he lives in another country. I’ve noticed he’s online every day, yet does not seem interested in talking to me anymore. Last time we had a chat was months ago and he even said something like “catch you soon” or so.


You need some self care.

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I went for a walk today as a form of self care, and I made myself go to work because getting money is self care enough.


Is she still borrowing your car??? If so, you need to get it back asap


For opening up about my sz. My friends were so creative in ways to avoid me afterwards, some stupid to understand what it is, others afraid of associating with me, some hated me… but at the end of the day, why would I associate with them… idc really it’s better for me, but there’s this one friend but I think he’s a sociopath… loyal though a bad influence unfortunately…

Old pdoc said there are good people in the world. Have to find the right balance to find them!

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I don’t believe in asking why me.

I did that growing up and truth is society and life is ■■■■■■ up for most people.

Just learn and grow and get away from dramatic people

Find older friends if your friends are more immature than you.

Your crowd does sound dramatic.

But when I was your age life sounded similar. I just walk away from drama. I was much older for my age from life experience and don’t have time for petty childish games

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Sounds like you’re going through a tough time :frowning: things will be good again :slight_smile: just remembered all the good times you had in your life

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I’m sorry @Froge. What is the decision you’re talking about? And I didn’t see… Are you pregnant?

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I was going to try to adopt a family member that needs a home, but decided against it. I am not pregnant thank god.


Good for you @Froge. Your friend is mad because you’re not adopting a family member? That’s a big decision and a big responsibility. You really have to want to do that. Of course your decision not to do that (if that’s the decision) is ok.

No she was mad because I was going to and I had posted asking people for advice/help. I decided like two days later that it would be better for the kid and myself if I didn’t though because of my circumstances, such as not being able to afford a new place for us all.


Did I come off as condescending? Sorry if it did.

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I didn’t think so! But I honestly never pick up on condescension unless it’s so blatant lol


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