I was smart enough not to spend thousands of dollars on a degree i wouldn't use

Are your loans in deferment? I did that while working a min wage job. While I wasn’t made to pay at the time my interest accrued while I was not paying. So now I have a bunch of interest tacked onto my principal. It’ll cost you a lot down the road. Might want to look into that

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Yeah it will but I only make $700 a month so. All well. They’re on a payment plan that is pay what you earn. So they take a percentage of what you earn so it’s lower than the normal payment. For me it’s $0. Also there’s no interest right now because of COVID


Are you on disability? There is a program where some folks are forgiven their student loans. I tried to get mine forgiven but I don’t qualify. I’ve been paying on that loan for 20 years. They’ve more than gotten their money from me in interest so I don’t feel guilty about it.

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I’m trying to get on disability I just had my hearing last month

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Maybe you’ll get it. As much money as I’ve paid the government in student loan interest I’ve paid mine and yours off too in principle so don’t feel guilty if you qualify for student loan forgiveness.

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The subject is not but there are countless transferable skills that people learn when doing these things.

Exercising your brain is important, and any employer that values creativity, judgement and an opinion would do well to hire people from disciplines like these

The problem is many people on these courses don’t have much in the way of practical skills, or know what it’s like to do manual labour.

Many go straight from school and make a career out of being social justice warriors at University and then wonder why they get rubbish marks and no career at the end of it

The other problem - which is not the fault of the subjects - is that these previously ‘exclusive’ disciplines have been made more widespread, and unfortunately contact hours suck in these subjects.

Many employers are now requiring Masters degrees for people fresh out of University to try and filter out the sheer number of people with degrees.

Supply and demand.

The market is saturated.

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I have a degree in health care administration and the highest pay I ever got was $12/ hr USD. That’s not enough to take care of yourself. I should have learned a trade.

East Asians value education whether the degree is from overseas or in our home country. Being admitted into a faculty major and taking courses is one thing. Graduating and finding a job after is another. I would have like to have earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science or perhaps finance or maybe accounting.


I have four associates degrees. I have zero regrets about getting them. I got the first two when I was in the military and got free tuition reimbursement, and I got the last two by using my GI Bill.


I spent $9,000. total on my bachelor’s degree back in the early 80’s. And that was at a state university and with Pell grants and small scholarships.

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