I was Mao Zedong

I’ll tell you what. In my previous birth I was Mao Zedong. He died at the 9th of September (9th month) of 1976. That’s why I am obsessed with number 9. It was a hint. also he was a poet, and I was a poet since young age. And many other indications. I’m sure I was Mao. I made some grave mistakes but also benefitted people

Indications aren’t a great way to be sure of something, for example they could be coincidences.

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As I read his Works I remember. The more I read, the more I recall

Mao didn’t believe in reincarnation, but you do. Clearly you two have very different spiritual outlooks. And I’m afraid to say, little indication of a shortage of poets in this world. Is this a new delusion?


Fun fact about reincarnations theme, Galileu Galilei died at the same day Isaac Newton was born :mage:
Just kidding that was a lie they told me in high school


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