hallucinations at my Church p-rish today for a whole hour straight and even longer because the musical hallucinations continued even when I got home. The Church was completely empty today when I was there. I was there alone in Ad-ration. And I had both my hearing aids in so, my hearing was just fine.
I was hearing whole classical music pieces of mostly violin, tuba and piano. It was very beautiful music. I was fascinated by it. So much so that I couldn’t concentrate on pr-yer, which is what I was supposed to be doing.
That’s a good idea @jukebox except that I’m burnt out on composition. I wrote and produced three albums and those took literally everything out of me. I have no energy left for anymore music production.
I know you believe in God, and I’m not preaching any particular religion, so I think it’s okay for me to say this. The human capacity for music is, in my opinion, God given. I think seeing us playing and listening to music makes him happy, if such a god can be happy, and that music directed at him is like the ultimate form of prayer.
That said, having hallucinations isn’t a good thing. I suggest you discuss it with your pdoc. Do something now, don’t wait until it becomes unbearable or distressing.
@Sardonic, I appreciate your concern for me and I know that hallucinations can get dangerous. However, I am on three antipsychotics at present and I can’t be on any higher dosages of any of them because any more and I get intolerable side effects. I am on the maximum dosages of these three AP’s. One of which is a depot injection. My next step is Clozaril and I don’t want to go there. I don’t know what to do.
What’s so wrong with clozaril? It’s a lot of bloodwork and it can be dangerous, but so can being on medium/high doses of 3 different AP’s. Still, try not to worry as it may not even be sz at all. Some peope with hearing impairments have this. It’s called “musical ear sybdrome.” Talk it through with your pdoc, see what they say. Good luck!