I was asked , do you want to live like this

By my close person “friend” don’t know what he meant actually.

Even he said don’t do anything just don’t.

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Maybe he’s suicidal? I hope not

I don’t totally understand you man. Can you explain?

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I told him all the things happened in last two months.

He said, do you want to live like this because he is with me for past 15 years, now he is also married.

Then he said simplest thing I could do is do nothing.
Even my mom said once just do nothing.

Don’t go in search of job or taken any decisions.

I think I am just wasting resources.


If your friend is saying that the best thing to do is to just do nothing then it’s probably good advice. Just relax man. How bad is your illness?

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Nah man youre a valuable person I hope you don really feel like that. Being sick can happen to anyone! Anyone can become sick at any time and in society we take care of our sick. It’s not your fault don’t blame yourself. Just do what you can man. That’s all anyone can do


I feel fine, but I don’t trust myself.

I always feel fine and look out for opportunities and I enroll and quit. Troubling the employer in training me and quitting later.

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My first psychiatrist told me to do nothing because I would not be successful at anything. I wouldn’t be able to learn, accomplish things, work, have a spouse, or have a kid. He doubted I would ever read another book.

Do NOT EVER let someone else tell you what your limitations are. Find out for yourself. Also, after the first ten times you’ve told yourself you can’t do something you still have another hundred tries ahead so don’t give up. You might surprise yourself. I did. And that fxxxing psychiatrist, too.


Okay, but if he’s hurting himself trying to do things that he can’t do because of his illness, I really recommend relaxing and accepting that there’s nothing to be done at the moment. I mean this issue can always be revisited. It shouldn’t be indefinite that you do nothing. I don’t Even like the wording

I just think @X_Y_Z 's friend sounds like he was looking out for him. Telling him to chill about guilt


This illness hurts a person no matter what. Sitting around poor and eating crumbs watching life passing you by hurts too. If I’m going to suffer, there will damn well be a purpose to it and a satisfying outcome to boot.