I want to start studying again!

I want to start studying again. Maybe try out a math course. The problem is that my old teachers would see me and probably recognize me. It’s embarrassing. I’m 41 and couldn’t attend college because of mental illness.

I could lie and say I have been working but then the question is with what?

I tried to apply in a nearby town instead, but that was against the rules. So I’m stuck here if I don’t move and that’s not an option.

I can do distance courses but have to do the exams at the upper secondary school for adults where my old teachers work.

I just don’t know what to do? I’m just frustrated.


What about taking online courses ?


It’s the same as distance, you have to do the exams while being supervised by teachers. And yes, it’s the same school where my old teachers work. I’m also very paranoid attending to my old school if that was the case.

Me too. I’m cutting back on the caffeinated drinks and I bought a conceptual physics textbook that is at my level.

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You could say you went to college but couldn’t finish it due to personal reasons, and now you want to take some courses and finish it.


I have too many units at my town so I looked into other areas. I decided not to do it. It’s nice that non nursing and non biology classes are still supposedly good for years. Some other schools (transfer) want you to retest or retake if it’s been over 5 years. I’m not looking for a degree really anymore.

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I was a math major for a bit (dropped out). Math is hard but can be rewarding and fun if you stick with it and can focus. Don’t get discouraged and don’t give up. Keep trying.


I’m usually way to honest and just say I’m ‘disabled’.


This was pre- university. Upper secondary school. I had my psychotic break at the same time when I got my grades and was ready to apply for college.


Good for you. I wouldn’t recommend lying, it’ll find its way back to you. You could even be forthright and say you’ve had mh challenges; you may receive extra accommodation.


I don’t know? It really sucks being at this age and not be able to do what normies do. People assume you are a nutcase when you don’t work or finish university. Sh-it! I wish I could move but it’s impossible getting an apartment.

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If it helps, I never finished university and my college diploma has been useless. I was DxD when I graduated.


What’s your field of interest?


Computer programming in college.

Software development in university.


With that knowledge you can do your own thing or work at your own terms?

Why not?


There’s so many free resources online and colleges are desperate for attendance and cost a lot.

Pre university can be difficult. I don’t have experience or knowledge except my mother doing a course or two at the adult learning center years back. It’s a good thing someitmes. Give it a shot.

I sometimes struggle and find it impossible to teach or tutor my niece with common core now because I get irritated or distracted from noises and didn’t grow up with common core math. Last time I was in college was 2011 and things were different. It definitely opened my eyes. I finished upper division linear algebra and abstract algebra with C grades.

My mom has a math phobia (she’s not the only one). My dad said he cannot read books.


It’s much harder now than it was before I was DxD.

But yeah, it’s one of my fantasies to work for myself or even get a job with computers.


Get yourself out there. Perhaps make a portfolio with your work? Start applying…

Or are you still symptomatic?


Certainly not. There’s always a way to finesse your challenges into conversation without saying “I’m not employed” or “I didn’t finish uni.”

I work a very entry-level job and every now again I’ll have self-doubt creep in. I have to tell myself I’m doing the best I can with what I have, with the cards I’ve been dealt. Keep your cards close and to the vest.


My motivation is pretty low.

And I can’t focus on tasks as good as I used to.

I’m better off working a general labour job.