I want a normal life so badly

Im tired of being an unproductive zombie Im tired of being scared and feeling brittle/broken


What are you scared of?

I am scared to do things because they exhaust me but I had fun building myself up.

I am still scared but the habits I have built up gives me confidence to put the fear aside.


I feel you on the broken part… I don’t always suffer from being unproductive but I’m trapped in a box. Even if I’m productive it can never really go anywhere because I’m in prison basically :unamused:


Im afraid of getting hurt by others because I dabbled in the occult when I was younger its my biggest regret

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The title of this thread is a poor choice of words…


Fine. Ill change it

Mods will you change the title of this thread? @voithos @Bowens @Moonbeam @Ninjastar

15 characters

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Sorry @everhopeful I didnt mean for it to be taken literally or anything just trying to emphasize wanting to be a part of the community again

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I want to be normal within and not feel like a pressure cooker but believe me ive spent my whole adult life trying and it gets exhausting


I dabbled with that stuff too. I am perfectly fine now. No permanent damage at all. I know myself better now. I still have faith and am more sure of myself and how to express myself to others. I gained wisdom and now can knock it because I tried it.

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Im suffering residual effects from it and its quite scary unfortunately my biggest regret but my faith helps me too i wish i wouldve payed attention to the instruction to stay away from that crap

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Going through this confirms my faith and I know what is unhealthy for my personal situation. What I dabbled in was not helping me. I know why I tried it now. I have overcome and now am more confident there is nothing I can’t overcome.

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Its been 8 years since and Im still suffering from it but I have hope maybe someday it will all just be a memory/learning experience


I dabbled in the occult too and suffered for it. I will :pray: for you


Thanks @Nomad I appreciate it

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Normal is boring. Be awesome.


As a schizophrenic, I have found that I wished for a normal life, and still do. However, I have found schizophrenia made me a strong person, something to be valued.


What’s normal anyway


Getting up every morning and not wanting to adult that day.

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