I think people are after me 😊

I really think Im in some kind of Truman show… I’m not as bothered by it anymore but fml


Don’t feel bad about this, but if you were a show (and you are not) I would not tune in. I require a minimum amount of car chases and explosions to maintain interest. Your life seems to lack those.



I feel ya man! Its really hard to understand what anybody would get out of tormentimg me…maybe it’s my amazing stupidity lol

Beding seriouse tho…Maybe I just need to see how boring :potted_plant: I am lol. … or be even more boring :potted_plant:

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You seem like a really nice guy from everything I have seen. I am sure there are more people who would rather be friends with you than stalk you. Honest.



I get you. One of the toughest delusions out there. Hard to dispel.

Maybe we’re all being watched by aliens or 5-d entities, if the universe has more dimensions than we can perceive…

No biggie man.
I don’t have anything to hide anyway.


I appreciate that shutterbug! I try to not be horrible but in my mind I definitely have some issues. Also I use to not be a very good person and I feel some kinda way about that …

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Yep!! It’s those 5th dimension guys :sob: jk


Does it help to know that for most of the last 15 years, I’ve believed that I was being watched like a reality show?

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Kinda… did you ever get out of it?

Not yet, no. :disappointed:

If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me.

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I used to call my aliens or people running the universe or God or w/e the ‘computer simulators’ or ‘programmers of the matrix’. It simplifies things and makes it easier to understand.

I call my stalkers Nazi :rofl:

Dispite the mental illness aspect I do believe things are more involved than what meets the eye. We might experience delusions but the nature of this thing we call reality is probably much richer than what we can experience??? :alien: :robot: :infinity:

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That’s a good way to put them (aliens). I don’t know if it’s just aliens in my case or if they’re really fascists (aliens) or w/e, but I had delusions I created bitcoin in a past life and was John Titor. Thankfully it’s not real anymore to me or others especially, but it may just be something I read into and latched on is is thankfully going away or is less intense due to my reducing my caffeine use to 4 drinks a day.

My delusions scare the crap out of me still. I don’t know. It does feel like something happened to me or I reincarnated or got cloned (at the soul level). I could go on, but rather not. Sometimes, I convinced or deluded myself that I was a ‘super soldier’ haha.

Oh ken it’s so common to get thoose thought about being watched among us paranoid. I had that sign of pursercutery grandiousity because I had those thought just like you for 15 years just like you. Those thoughts has long past for me now. One of my German friend called those ideas ein Schauspil und Du bist der Hauptfigur( an act. And you are the main character). He still believes that he knows more a bout the true meaning of life. Ich habe dass Licht gesehen. I’v seen the light. I just like my friend thought that I was the only one that really knew the True meaning of life.
Today the meds has left me without any thoughts and rater worthless and just a left over with nothing special to offer any one.

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Glad your not in those destructive thinking patterns anymore!! I hope to see all the wrong views in my life and over come them one day too.

As far as not having anything special to offer I understand the line of thinking but I guess I want to hold on to the idea that the little bit of good in me that is unique to me is special. I can’t always see this in myself or other people but I know people do have something to offer the world no matter how small !!!

As far as thinking I understand the world better than others …I’m still working on that one. I just don’t want to fall into the trap of relying on people with more power to tell me what’s true… I’ve learned that perspective is equivalent to intelligence… Idk man I can’t wait to get out of this ■■■■ show

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Same here. I was horrible before I cleaned up and sobered up. I wish I could change it but I can’t. The best I can do is try to be a positive force moving forward.


I feel trapped in trumanomatrix


Nice to see you back 15151515

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Hey. How do things go here?

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I’m stealing that word lol

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