I think I should have been a famous artist of religion like Davinci and Michael Angelo

It’s normal to be delusional during an episode. That’s when members are supposed to step up and help others see that they are being delusional. It is tough to hear, because these things sound so real to us. I promise you aren’t going to get stalked by the government or on world news for writing a note.

For example of a delusoon, I used to believe that anytime I reached out for help with my life a natural disaster happened. Starting with the Indonesian tsunami. Just coincidences. My life has no impact on weather or other disasters and I’m sure you can see that’s impossible.

Sounds unlikely, but sometimes coincidences have a reason

Schizophrenics are the least powerful people on the planet. Sorry to burst your bubble. They would be lucky to earn enough to pay taxes, even. It’s a huge disability to be schizophrenic.

The only way they can influence the political process is by voting, and even then, they individually are worth one vote. They don’t magically tilt elections in their favour with the “power of the mind” or something ridiculous like that.

I know how schizophrenics are prone to believe they are kings / leaders, but reality is much sadder than that.

Ok, I thought about you saying that we aren’t powerful but that’s negating all I said. Makes me feel safer, but I have to be poor to feel safe?

No, make as much money as your abilies and modesty allow you to.

Don’t think schizophrenia makes you some kind of super powered entity or anything, that’s foolishness.

Ok. My mind right now just really slowed down and I feel blah, can’t focus. I can’t think. I don’t know why you call it foolishness

It’s foolishness because the “proof” of being great as a schizophrenic is 100% in the sufferer’s head. Nothing external correlates or corroborates with that fragmented, deluded mess.

everybody told you including a moderator that you need help from a psychiatrist about getting you on a shot of medicine since it’s clear you won’t listen to taking your meds…you are about to slip off the forum because you will be too delusional to think you should listen to us…believe me…you are delusional…you need help…have your bf take you to the hospital !!

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you still can! dont give up on your dreams :slight_smile:

I understand the world doesn’t revolve around me now. The art, and fire caused me to think things I should not have. I just feel like things are speaking to me and I’m trying to cope


When I got my shot increased, it slowly ruined me. I was defeated, and depakote increases invega levels, so I got off it. Remeron caused me to have severe Deja Vu, and irritability, lack of focus. Klonopin, just ditched that because when you get off just one or two, chances are, you’ll be tricked by your mind back on that.

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