I think I have to become totally a social for a while

Every time I go to meet my bf, I get the urge to binge eat cos of that anxiety

We are going for a room viewing today and I now broke my diet again.

I guess I will have to stop seeing him completely until I have sorted somink out.

Sorry my topics are a bit boring.

But really, I just want to be open.

And my life is a bit boring.

Thx for listening anyway

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Now I need coke,

Sometimes I wonder if I’m too wild for my bf.

We match in every other way.

I say this cos I care

Are you moving to a new place?

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No I’m still in the same location.

I meant wild in the sense of a bit abnormal.

Anyway, so far, so good.

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don’t worry about posting about your issues in life…sorry you’re bingeing…dang…maybe he makes you think you need to be skinny…to yourself, not him saying that…? I never understood eating disorders.

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I don’t understand it fully myself. I think it’s anxiety and medication related. When I socialise I feel nervous n shy if I’m sleepy from the meds and it also just helps general anxiety. So then I binge.


Oh, sorry, I was referring to this

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Yes that’s for him. He is currently living with his uncle. He wants to find a room independent of his uncle.

I’m OK where I am.

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