I think I have OCD With food Trigger warning eating disorder

Maybe keeping busy at work will help you

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There are online counselors and others who work nights and weekends. Maybe try them?

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Yea I think that I could but I’m not paying for it those probably cost loads as @Joker has mentioned in the UK.

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Ok. What about looking for in network counseling by people who work nights and weekends. Most do in the US and many are covered by insurance. Most people who get counseling are actually working full time, so there must be some who insurance covers

I’ve asked about therapy with the NHS before for evenings or weekends they said such a thing doesn’t exist

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Ok. That’s really stupid of them

The NHS budget can’t afford it waaahhhh :sob:

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You need a behavioral therapist to help you if you have a food disorder. I’m going to start seeing one at the end of the month. It sounds like you are unhappy with your food habits and you shouldn’t feel strong emotions when you eat whatever you eat. Sometimes it’s really hard to seek help, but if you need it, that’s okay.

Although I can see my disordered eating pattern, it is not officially recognised as an eating disorder because I don’t binge regularly enough.

Nevertheless a therapist would be nice but not a possibility when you are working full time.

I didn’t know you needed a food therapist?

I hope that helps you significantly

Well a therapist would be nice, because even if you don’t fall into the guidelines, you are obviously not liking your food patterns, so talking to someone might help you work through it. It’s worth a shot! I don’t want you to be unhappy with yourself. And maybe talking to a therapist will be helpful.


So true, it would be if I had the option for that but I don’t seeing as I need to work full time… I think I need to do some research on the psychology behind my sort of eating problems… Yep… Thanks

@anon78876561, love your username BTW :smile:

Okay. Self discovery is good, too. The more we learn about ourselves, the better off we are.

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