I Signed Up for a 5K

So most of you know that ol’ WhiteRaven just had a birthday and turned 50…and that in the last few years lost about 150 lbs. Well, I’ve finally committed myself to taking my age and my beauty public! I signed up for my first 5K walk/run, it’s on June 8, so I have time to get my speed up before I display myself to the public! It shouldn’t be too hard, I’ve been trying to do a slow 5K every other day for the last 2 weeks and it takes me about 1.5 hours to complete without too much difficulty. The walk I signed up for is called “The Mosquito Meander”…I think it’ll be fun as long as my social anxiety and paranoia doesn’t get too bad.
Has anyone here ever done a 5K before and can you tell me whether being around all those people made it easier or harder for you?


:astonished: Geez, well done on that.


Good luck with it all @WhiteRaven!

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Good luck @WhiteRaven !

You’ve made so much progress with the weight loss. I think you’ll do great on the 5K. It’s very inspiring to see how well you are doing @WhiteRaven


good effort but dont push yourself too hard. you can be healthy with exercise without physical performance. 5k walk is a little on the long side for regular exercise.

Way to go! @WhiteRaven Good luck during your 5k. You’ll crush it

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Im not trying to discourage but walking 30 mins briskly 3 times a day is better for overall health than 1 1.5 hr walk

That’s awesome!!! Good for you. I’m super impressed by both your accomplishments and your attitude. Great job!!!

That’s great that you’re working on your fitness level.

Very important!