finally my exam results came back.i passed most of the classes( 9 out of 6 ) my highest score A lowest score B .i m super excited.i used to decide quit uni since its super stressfull to study but its also super exciting as you pass the exam with good mind is very dull but still good i think
Thats an awesome achievement congrats
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thank you🥰151515
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Congratulations that’s a good achievement, @anon58091841
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Great job!!! 15151515
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thank you @LilyoftheValley @Zoe . actually i passed one class too.i just see it.for now i passed 7 classes in the total of 9 classes.i m studying at network and internet technology
Great job! Can you re-take the 2 you didn’t pass?
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yes i can take it and i will.thank you for advice @LilyoftheValley
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thank you @Thesickguy
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