I need hugs

@melmel7 ((((hugs)))) you are so nice, thank you

hugs from a nice old guy

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@Moonbeam (((hugs))) so sweet

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@Wave (((hugs))) thank you honey so much

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thank you @anon18305065 and plenty (((hugs))) back to you

lol @Sardonic i know why does the system care about our grammar, we should be allowed to be babbling idiots if we so choose. (((hugs)))


@Moonbeam thoses are some pretty cute hugs

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@PinCushion thank you honey (((hugs)))

:hugs: big hug to you!

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thank you @FatMama a big hug for you (((hug)))

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thank you @anon92887483

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thank you @disciple

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Lol, right?

“Are you sure that’s a complete sentence?”

No, bi tch in fact I’m pretty certain it’s not considering the fact that I didn’t intend to write a complete sentence. Goddamn.


I will share my favorite gif with you, I hope it cheers you up! (hugs)



Hug n much :two_hearts:

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Big hug for you sweetie. It’ll be okay

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(((((Leaf))))) How is that grandbaby doing? You have so many good things in your life. Whatever is going on, keep that in mind and stay positive if you can. I’ll be thinking of you. :heart:

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Hugs to you @Leaf!

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big (((hugs))) @JustTrish

thank you @everhopeful you’re the best (((hugs))) to you

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