just feeling a little down, could use some hugs
awesome thanks @everhopeful (((hugs)))
I don’t do hugs usually but here’s a big hug from me.
ahhh thanks @anon80629714 that means a lot coming from someone who doesn’t even give em out ((hug))
Free mom hugs!!!
(Hugs) feel better @Leaf
Yeah! Zombie love! (((hugs)))
thank you so much @Noise you’re the bestest! (((hugs)))
bear hugs from me
oh yea! Bear hugs, my favorite. Thanks @daydreamer (((HUGS)))
Only if I get one back, Hugs @Leaf
Absolutely, it’s only fair @BrianTex (((hugs))) thanks honey
Big giant (((((hugs)))))
Wishing you well @Leaf!
Thank You @FatMama and here’s one right back at ya (((HUGS)))
Thank You my friend @Wave (((HUGS)))
@Leaf here’s a hug. You are such an inspiration to me every day. When you were unhappy with your life, you took the hard path and bravely struck out and made major changes! So many people just put up with being miserable their whole lives, but you’re out there, trying new things and making an effort to improve every day! And even with all the major upheavals in your life, you still take the time to leave kind words for others. You’re amazing.
So sweet, what kind words. and a bonus hug. And a great big (((HUG))) back to you my beautiful ninjastar.
You’re awesome, @Leaf