I miss those words

I think the last time I heard “Oh, you’re still young” was when I was 35 years old.

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If it’s any help, nick, I’m approaching 70 and in some ways, I’ve never felt better or had a younger attitude. I was an old child who escaped.


I was an old child who ran away and hid.

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The last time I heard “Oh, you’re still young” was when I would hear it from my mother-in-law who lived with us until she died three years ago. So at that time I was 66. She used to say, “Enjoy life - while you still can!!”

Just to put things into perspective, when I was “young” I was naive, stupid and arrogant - not all young people are this way, but this was how it was for me. In about 2 weeks I will be hitting a milestone birthday, and I am realizing that age is really but a number. It is true, the older we get the wiser we become

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My doctor said that, but he was probably just being nice.

You lose stuff + you gain stuff.

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I hate hearing that. I don’t feel young.