I love the paranoid ones. Great to turn an illness into something constructive.
These are really beautiful @wayward, keep up the good work.
Thank you guys
I really like your paintings, @wayward. I am impressed. I used to write poetry based on my feelings so I know how that is to want to get your issues out in something creative.
That says a lot about the feeling of psychosis. If you added ears or faces (mean ones at that) to that it would make it even more real.
I love these! They are beautiful. So expressive. Nice work.
hey @wayward i bet you will be a real pro very soon,
keep up the good work
Thank you! I hope so
Nice job. I really like good art. And I like the first one. Totally like me.
Good art is 10% skills and the rest is the feelings memories it awakes.
Thank you
Your art speaks to me. You are a really talented artist.
You mean vomit?Do you make your self,like bulimia?
It’s beautiful
I used to have anorexia, then bulimia.
It must be awful.How did you get over it?Did clozapine helped you or antidepressants?
I kike them all.
I sorta lost it with time.
The meds helped; I got fat and had to learn to deal with it.
I still yearn to be thin, but that’s probably never happening again.
You look great on photo
Thank you