I’m excited for nba basketball this year

I first started watching the nba not till the 02-03 season. But it made sense to be a nets fan. They were a local team and very good with exciting players. They kept that style through Vince Carter years. Then came one more good run with pierce, kg, and more. But then came the bad years. However I stuck with them. Through the worst years. And now we have maybe the best team in the nba.

If we don’t win the championship it may come as a bit of a disappointment. What a team. Irving, Durant, harden. Not to mention great role players across the board. 3 point shooters. Guys who know how to play the game.

I can’t wait for the playoffs to start


My Raptors have been horrible this year.


They had the nets number for a while we finally beat u.

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Reeeeepeat 1515

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Oh ■■■■ it’s makaveli!!

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Exit tupac enter makaveli hahaha

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