Some I’ve done…
I hope it’s loading faster for you maybe I should have spread them out.
I didn’t mean to include the heart sketch. But there’s that
Very kewl with a K! Loaded fine and very good work. You’ve a good eye which is saying something. Not many have that eye for detail but your making competent work that stacks up! Kudos.
Those were cool! Good job!!
Your drawings are so cool.
Thank you @rogueone That means a lot to me
Thank you so much! @anon19606225 @Speedy
@TheIdlerWheel dam good artwork. I love em.
Thank you @DragonStorm
I feel like the squares with the diamonds would make a trippy floor pattern!
Graph paper is so therapeutic for me
These are great. Love it. You have some talent.
Thank you @Melomaniac
They’re easier than they look with time and patience
Cool. Time and patience very important to be noted. We don’t give ourselves piece of that sometimes.
Great. You remind me of Escher.
Those are incredible!
i was gonna say that! One of your drawings looks like its done on graph paper with the blocks and 3D shapes. It reminds me, i only got to play with graph paper once in school but I really took to it and created something i was pleased with.
I can’t believe how good you are btw these are next level
Wow, these are truly awe inspiring!
awesomely cool drawings keep up the good intense work.
I wouldn’t mind doing that. Drawing illusions and hanging them up on the wall.
Your pictures are great btw!