I live on a boat with my wife cuz living on land in Vancouver BC is too expensive. How do you cope with the rich getting richer and the rest of us trying to get by?

We couldn’t afford to live Ina rented place so we lived in a trailer then couldn’t afford to live in that so we now live in a boat. Brrrrrrr the winters are cold!


I’m in Vancouver. Mouse infested basement suite with 3 other roomies. Only way to be close to the hospital, unfortunately.

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That’s tough @anon2818416. My moorage is $500 a month and some guys here are on smaller boats paying $350 a month. But you’d be a long way from the hospital, which wouldn’t be good and you’d need a boat … The best way to deal with mice is to get a cat.

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Unfortunately with the current political climate world wide the needs of the poor and marginalized are sadly lacking in government policy.

Do what you can to survive and take advantage of all you can when it comes to health and services. I know that is a poor answer but you need to look after yourselves and family.


Real estate prices in Vancouver are rising and beyond the average income of full-time employed working couples. Recent student graduates couldn’t even afford the down payment on a mortgage on a home in Vancouver which are priced at a minimum of $1.5 million. The rich are getting richer by working smarter and making good financial decisions.


thats interesting that you live on a boat…im in dublin and the cost of living is over the top…its a real struuggle…i would be interested in other modes of living…i couldnt see myself on a boat as im afraid of the water…but i have an open mind

True, on the surface. But asset price inflation worldwide was caused by quantitative easing and excessive accommodative monetary policy globally coupled with international organized crime based money laundering targeting real estate in leading cities, particularly Vancouver, BC, Canada. Anyone can make money in equities or real estate by simply buying and holding over a few years, which was in fact a smart decision for many. Nevertheless QE and MP policy led to the further marginalization of the disenfranchised.

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We tried living in a trailer for a year and a half and that was pretty good.

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How do I cope with the rich getting richer and the rest of us struggling to survive if we even survive?

I think my 1 mg of Haldol daily helps. As a tranquilizer, it helps me to be much less angry, I think. There a lot of things out there that offend basic human morality. Our emotions don’t deal well with a realistic view of the modern world.

Maybe I wouldn’t have needed anti-psychotics if I had been born into an ancient hunter-gatherer society.

The rich will always get richer, that’s how they got rich in the first place

You should definitely move somewhere where the local economy isn’t distorted by massive, ongoing, illegal Chinese money-laundering! It has destroyed the local economy in Vancouver and area.


@Unclehenry Price inflation is one factor but I’d say there is more demand for real estate in major cities worldwide than can be supplied. Principles state that more demand than supply will increase prices. Only some homes in Vancouver were purchased using money laundering schemes and or organized crime. I know of many purchasers of Vancouver homes who legitimately bought real estate because of their entrepreneurship from their home country. Equities is risky as prices could also decrease instead of increase wheres real estate has a tendency to also increase in value. Yes buy low and sell high to make a profit is the rule of thumb to go by.

There is some illegal Chinese money-laundering, yes but most real estate purchases are legitimately bought. For example, the two homes owned by the Huawei CFO are worth a total of $12 million.

The problem is that the combined illegal and legitimate foreign funds have priced the market well above what locals can afford. There needs to be a hard cap on outside funds.


The immigrant investor program has been eliminated. An empty homes tax has been introduced and Vancouver has seen a booming of residential apartment complexes. In particular, construction along the Canada Line when it was built for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Citizens are constantly moving into the city and or moving out to the suburbs. Migration patterns usually show an outflow of money from the most expensive places from older generation of people compared to an influx of money from newly established residents.

To expand on what I said:

I don’t know about working smarter

when a guy gets an inheritance check, he invests in real estate

and then charges suckers outrageous prices.

The poor under Ben Carson are now paying 35 percent of their income

and are one health issue away from financial ruin. Been hearing insulin costs 750 dollars for a 3 month supply. These people are going into deep debt.

The rich are rich because they got help to get there, a great mentor, boss, school. You get into Harvard, you’re almost guaranteed 80K a year to start.

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