I wish you all peace and happiness …in meta because we have new mods to pick on lol …
Oh to make it meta I’m on the mobile version I can’t change my pic to Gunter the penguin any tips?
@Moonbeam he’s your moon child
Moved to Lounge.
Moonbeam wearing my nerdy moderator glasses
Wait I asked a meta question I can’t change my avatar on the mobile version…
How’s that?
Perfect lollol I love it
Well think of it this way, I will always remember my first action as a mod and my buddy Flame
As to your question about changing your avatar pic in mobile view, I usually use desktop view so I’m not sure. Maybe @Rhubot knows?
EDIT: My typing was too slow. Rhubot was already on it!
I didn’t know you could change avatars as a mod…I’ll leave my avatars in @Minnii @Rhubot and @Moonbeam hands lol
We’ll take turns
This avatar plus my title is hilarious
We’re the three mouse-keteers
I’m scared your like the powderpuff girls…and I’m a ■■■■■■■ my little pony lol lol
Oh I totally call the black haired one.
I’m obviously bubbles
Lol lol you girls are hilarious power puff mouse mods
Well, hello Twilight Sparkle. It’s me, Fluttershy.
Lol hahahajaha the ponies are taking over
Yes, haha. I saw your new avatar and thought, damn I have to change mine now.
Oh lord do we have to factor horses into the bird/cat di(tri?)chotomy?