I Have Covid

I’d like to thank those who told me to have it checked out. Ironically the doctor said it’s probably mainly over since it’s gone on nearly a week, but she did prescribe antibiotics anyway.



That’s not fun.

Hope you recover quickly.


Covid is no joke. Im fairly certain i had it not too long ago tho the tests came back negative. I just regained my sense of smell a few days ago, but i never lost my sense of taste

yeah i had it over xmas, wasnt too bad (think i had a mild case) i had sore throat, dry cough, high bp and one night i felt awful but its gone now and i didnt need to see the dr about it :slight_smile:


Feel better! Hope it goes away quickly

I had it about one week ago. My case was mild as I had slightly a fever and headache, no sore throat, no cough.

That is no fun. Hope you get better soon. Do antibiotics work against COVID?!? I don’t think they use any medications here…

I probably have it too. I ate things I shouldn’t have, so first thought it was IBS. But I also cough. And someone I met had it. I’m not really sure for how long I should stay inside, if I don’t stop coughing.

Peumonia is crazy. If your having breathing issues in hot shower and feel fainting. Go to the hospital. They had to put me with 2 diffrent IV treatments.

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