I have an inspection at my new apartment on Thursday

It’s the annual inspection. It just so happens that I just moved in. I have boxes of unbuilt furniture piled up. I have stuff I need to take to the dumpster like broken down boxes and other packing material. I have half unpacked boxes lying around. I need to finish more furniture so I can put some stuff away. It’s kinda a mess. I hope I have enough time and energy to get it to where I can pass inspection.


I’m sure you’ll pass inspection!

Good to see you online.

How’s the family?


Everyone is doing good. How’s everyone in your sphere?


We’re okay.

Moving in less than two weeks,

So stressful.

But it’ll all be over in a month,

I have that to look forward to.


Just get to it and before you know it you’ll be done


Heya leaf! Good to see you around.


They are usually only looking for health and safety hazards. Be sure to throw away any food trash laying around, remove anything flammable from near anything that gets hot, and ensure there is an easy path through the unit and through exits. I’m sure you’ll pass!

Congrats on your new place!


I find that cleaning late at night is a good time to do it. When everybody is asleep and it’s quiet and peaceful. And no distractions.


hey leaf…glad you posted…try to not worry about the boxes…they know you just moved in…


i don’t think you have to be afraid to not pass the inspection… just keep working on your new place and everything will work itself out.

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Oh wow, good luck with the move. I hope you like the new place.

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I hate inspections. It seems like they have them all the time now. When I was young, they never had them. I understand, they don’t want to end up with a nightmare, but once a year, or every 6 months is enough. They had one yesterday, but didn’t have to come to my apartment.

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