I got fat after the 3rd grade - 9 years old

My family moved to a new house in a new neighborhood. The neighborhood boys there bullied me, and I had an accident on my bicycle with a fractured skull and concussion. I failed the 3rd grade and had to go to summer school. After the accident, I never went back to riding my bike much and became more sedate. I was a skinny kid until after the 3rd grade.

I lost weight when I went to work after dropping out of college when I was 19. After I moved out of my mom’s house I was skinny again. But I got a desk job and started putting on weight again. But I lost weight again after I went to the truck stop that my aunt-in-law took over the management of in 2005. I lost some weight when I previously because the janitor/stock clerk of the convenience store she previously managed.

But since I went on Disability in 2008, I’ve put on a bunch of weight, especially when I was on Zyprexa.


Zyprexa seriously sucks I hate it I weighed 250 on it I’m 6”2. I lost a lot of weight since then. Just by going off it. I heard it’s very effective but I never want to be fat again.

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I’m overweight now but I’m not obese if I lost 25 pounds I’d look incredible I’m around 215

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I’ve been both fat and skinny during my lifetime. I can say when I was active and getting exercise ( through my job mainly) I kept the weight off.

I’m 6’ 0" and would like to get my BMI below 25. That should be 180 I think for me. But if I can get it down to 200, I’ll be happy. I’m like 254 now, but I was nearly 300 when I was on Zyprexa.

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I was always skinny. I’m on haldol it’s weight neutral but I like to drink beers. I’ve been on everything I lost weight on ability and haldol but I’ve been obese before it killed my self esteem but my self confidence is back!

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Yea 200 is a good weight for that height my ideal weight is 180 but I dunno if I was 190 I’d be ecstatic

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When I was a child I was on adderall and I kept losing weight cause I wasn’t eating. It got so bad I could count all my ribs.

When it was finally seen as a problem they changed my meds and I gained my weight back. Unfortunately, my mom then kept telling me I was fat and disgusting and needed to lose weight.

So now I’m even more fat and have and eating disorder yaaaaay

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I was 135lb before sz, gained 160lb because of severe negative symptoms mostly.

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Thanks for sharing Noise.

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Thanks for responding. I put on a lot of weight on Zyprexa.

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