I got a crockpot, rice cooker, scented wax, and scented wax cubes all from my husband, my mom gave my husband and I $100! It’s a good holiday season!
That’s a nice haul ! I’m happy for you!
@everhopeful thanks, I got something for my husband too
wow, cool…!! I just get cash for Christmas.
Those are nice gifts. We really love our crockpot.
@HollyHobby @jukebox I picked them out, David had no clue what to get me so he gave me a budget and let me lose in Walmart!
@HollyHobby @jukebox the crockpot is timed
Yes, we have a crockpot with a timer. It’s awesome. I set up the crockpot before I leave for work. Then it finishes cooking and goes on Keep Warm until I get home. That’s why I got the one with the timer.
We love Walmart by the way. It’s a great value. I want to look at tops for summer there next year.
@HollyHobby my husband works for Walmart so he gets a discount. Walmart is great though they really upped their games in my small town too!
@HollyHobby that’s why I got the timed one to I am at group most of the day twice a week
Cool. Does he get a discount? That would be fabulous.
@HollyHobby yes 10% discount on non food items
Yesss! That’s the best.
Agreed, the money is good too
I’m just happy I have a couple of friends, and my present will be moving to Texas.
That’s great to hear. That’s nice you guys will be in an apartment soon. I saw that news in another thread. Good for you.
@anon54988740 glad you get to be where you want
@HollyHobby thank you! I’m so excited!
I think so 1515.
@anon54988740 I’ve been to Texas once… I was insane out of my mind
@anon54988740 @HollyHobby @jukebox @everhopeful
I got David a computer chair!! He loves it!