I have to spend Christmas at his house again this year. Me and him never got on. He is very judgemental and has very hurtful beliefs as regards me.
Ive known him over 20 years and we have very little spoken to ach other. There is a frosty relationship between us.
This brother in law heard of some crazy things Ive done over the years which made me look like i had bad character but in truth I had good character. For example, I hear the voice of God and God told me there was a Satanist on a train I was travelling on. God told me this Satanist was causing him so much heartache. I felt sorry for God and when God told me to spit in the Satanist face, I duly complied. I did it for God.
Anyway, my brothe rin law has heard of things like this and my brother in law thinks Im scum for doing this. But I was doing it for God. In fact it was an act of love/holiness, as I was doing it for God.
Anyway, my brother in law hurts me with his opinions of me.
And now I have to spend Christmas with the extended family at his house. How can I stop my brother in law having hurtful opinions of me.