I Erez Shmerling want to be a billionaire in US dollars

I Erez Shmerling want to be a billionaire in US dollars


Start a crowd funder :slight_smile:

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Only 2600+ billionaires compared to the 7.1 billion people around the world. Highly unlikely you’d be one of them.


@anon35453467 I believe you should have big dreams even if they are difficult to realize.

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@chess24 You’re into mathematics so statistics should be your strong point. The odds & probability is extremely remote. Not even lotteries offer a jackpot of 1 Billion US dollars.


I repeat @anon35453467 , I believe you should dream big regardless of whether the dreams are realistic.
Even if the chances are negligible, having big dreams gives color to your life, gives you motivation
to rise up in the morning.

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i cris2433 want to be king of the world


Good luck to you @anon89143308 !
I believe you should try to improve your functioning day in and day out,
to fight and struggle and may God help you.

I See121 want to be a zillionaire. I believe in dreaming big too!

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I, rhubot the rhubot, want this semester to be over.

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I, Treebeard, want to say something really, really mean and then say “Oopsie!”, laugh, and pretend it was a funny mistake.


I , Zeno of Elea, want Erez Shmerling on meds.


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