I don't think

When I first came here I seemed welcome, but now it seems like none enjoy or even wish to bother with me being in here… Maybe I should Delete My Account / Anonymize it?
Maybe it’s just me I don’t know.
Please tell me what you all think …

Yes, I should leave


No, I should stay

You all decide.

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I think the forum has been a bit quiet lately. But of course you should definitely stay !


Next question of questions anyone like my new Avatar ?

It’s cool. It looks like a transformer.


I think you should stay. sorry if I haven’t responded to any of your posts. ive been trying to post less and stop putting my 2 cents out there all the time.

I always hate it when people leave, the forum is slower than it used to be it seems. it picks up a little bit during certain times of day though.

and I like your new avatar.

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I think you should stay. You’ve always come across as a nice and supportive dude to me.

I agree with @everhopeful, the forum has been a little slow lately.

Take care.


I wuvs you and would be sad if you leave. You should definitely stay and post lots more. We want to hear all about you and what’s going on. :smiley: and I love your new avatar it’s smart looking, I didn’t know it was you though.


If it is helping, I say stay. If posting is good. If relating to people helps. If you are up about the people or even if you want to receive, then keep trying.

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Ya stay it’s a really great place, you’ll find support here just give it time


Stay @DragonStorm. 151615161516

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I think you should definitely stay @DragonStorm!

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Staying is good

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