I don't know why I'm sad

I have food and a roof over my head…I guess I should count my blessings…I am sad today, sadder than usual…I think it’s because of people that have passed away getting to me…namely my step dad…now I’m crying…■■■■. Life is tough.


It’s okay to be sad sometimes jukebox. Hugs to you.

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thank you…now I can’t stop crying…

I’m sorry, @jukebox. You don’t deserve to be sad. It’s really tough to lose people. Cling to those you still have and appreciate them all the more. :heart:

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((Hugs)) jukebox.

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thanks everyone…I texted my mom and told her I don’t know how she can handle the pain of losing Don and she said she is watching the Kentucky Derby for him today…made me feel better.

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You can have everything going right in your life and still be sad sometimes. It’s totally normal and healthy.

It does suck to be sad, though. I’m sorry.

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Hope you feel better soon!
Sing away the sadness my friend…

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thank you. yes, @LED I just wish I could see him one more time…in his last days he was sobbing and saying how much he loved his family and I can’t break away from that memory right now…keeps me crying hard. I appreciate all of you…thank you so much.

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Hugs))) @jukebox
This shall pass.

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I’m sorry you lost your stepdad. It’s okay to be sad. :heart:

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I’m sorry you’re so sad (((hugs)))

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sorry for your losses @jukebox

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Sending ((hugs))

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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“watching the kentucky derby”

Your Mom sounds like a very strong and thoughtful person.

love, hugs, and sympathy to you both

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Hope you feel better I feel sad too. Pray for peace of mind.

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