I cant seem to let go

i cant get over my ex girlfriend, we broke up over 2 years ago now. no contact nothing. just me still thinking about her every day. it sucks because i just wish to move on but i dont seem to be able to.


Sorry …
When I got ill,I broke up with my gf…
Still thinking about her after 25 years…

hope you can move on.
were these good times or bad times,
learn or cherish what you experienced.
my first was bad and good.
i wish them the best. its over 25 years ago, and
i know they have been doing bad and wish they weren’t.
its the few person in my life i care about til the end.
i think about them a few times a year.

sorry to hear that man. so im not some kind of odd one out in this predicament?

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it used to be good. the end was horrible to be honest but still…

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No,you not alone :slightly_smiling_face:

Still think of my ex from 15 years ago

Sorry, I have no good advice – I struggled with this too. Couldn’t get over the one that got away. Time heals, though

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i think shes like that for me

i understand man, i do feel lucky for still having my other ex as a friend. that girls one of the only people i can actually talk to about stuff.

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good to know, i felt like i was some kind of moron.

I had a highschool sweetheart, we were together for 11 years roughly, off and on. She cheated on me, we fought periodically. A lot of passion and heated arguments. We were young and not in control of our emotions. I loved her despite all of that. I wanted to be with her forever. I mean she left me. I was alone in my apartment. It was the first time I really felt lonely and I grew up an only child. I didn’t know how to handle how I was feeling. I wanted an escape from these uncomfortable feelings so I went out a lot and spent a lot of money carelessly and lived like a fool. I met other women but still felt lonely even in relationships. My innocence was gone. I knew what a woman could do to me. I knew that everything was temporary. I struggled through some relationships dealing with women, their insecurities, manipulations, and how everyone at work treats them terrible. Years later I still thought about that girl from highschool. I made an idol out of her in my mind greater than what she was in reality. The real her could never live up to the vision I created of her in my head. As I matured I realized we’re all getting older. She is no longer that young girl I fell in love with. I realized I had distorted reality by taking one innocent moment in my life when life was pure and good, I had no mental baggage or real life problems, I was young and carefree, so I always remember this time with her because she was young, supple and carefree. I know as a middle-aged man I can never have that moment again because I’ve lived, I have experience, I don’t fantasize about a time in my life when I had no responsibilities. I know now if I meet a woman she will have problems, things won’t be carefree, she may have kids, she will try to pull me into her drama. I, too, will bring my baggage from being human. It will be a beautiful symphony of broken instruments. I can’t teach you how to look at life as a mature person. You have to live and make good decisions educating yourself in things that are healthy, not hate rhetoric about relationships and unbalanced power dynamics in relationships perpetuated by hurt people on the internet. Your time will come. Dont put yourself in a box. If you’re alone for a long time learn about healthy relationships so when one pops up you’re ready. Don’t think because you have schizophrenia you’ll never find love. Too many people have a fixed mindset. There are other forms of love, like this forum, churches, AA, social groups, family if they’re not dysfunctional. But use your time wisely, dont kill yourself trying to understand everything, experience is the greatest teacher. Too many times we accept other people’s ideas blindly and this clouds our judgement. Learn from your consequences. Think of consequences before you do things, this will save you immense suffering. If I was able to look at the consequences of dating an irresponsible brat of a girl I would have saved myself years of suffering. Eventually I will date again. Good luck with the process of learning to let go.


well… i probably am :'D. but im happy im not the only one haha.

its just strange, i met her four years ago and at that time i was perfectly capable of picking up girls. but now after her i just cant seem to get anything going.

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part of that is the remaining thoughts of her.

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I don’t think about my ex-wife to often but she still is in my dreams.

Dude! I know breakups hurt but you gotta let go! Can’t be afraid. Maybe take some time to focus on you and do some self improvement :slightly_smiling_face:

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