hi friends. i am feeling well and good at this time and want to share with you that things get better when you try.
i am feeling kind of happy inside too. it is so much better when you are healthy and feeling it. i wish you all to feel great.
it is the jewish new year and i feel like this year is starting off right thank you for being there for me these last years.
hugs to y’all, judy
October 6, 2022, 7:15am
Good to hear Judy. Great to hear you’re improving and getting good results.
I’m happy to hear you’re having good days. Do they usually last long? For me they never stay.
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Good days are to be cherished. Glad you are feeling well
That’s great news! I’m happy for you. Happy New Year!
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thanks ever so much for y’all for being there. hugs. i am feeling a bit overwhelmed right now and this is a symptom i am sure. i need to get some things done over the holidays and it scares me.
thanks again for your support. hugs, judy
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I’m glad you are well.
Good stuff!
January 10, 2023, 4:52am
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