I am all persons

Hmmm, does this mean you can borrow money from anybody and you don’t have to pay anyone back?

Does this mean you would share your PIN number to the ATM with everybody on earth?

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This is an interesting thread. I’m watching.

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Yes, probably, if it gets worse in my mind.
But i don’t have to share money etc. Cos the other beings, who are Me, play their roles, role of poors, role of wealthy etc

All of science disagrees with you.

I’m not arguing just trying to share my view.

It’s good to see you have a sense of humor about this.


Physics disagree with you. Psychology too

Or there is one objective truth, transcendental, and millions of personal views

That would be a good point in ontology or metaphysics

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle does not disagree with me. All it says is that taking a measurement can change the position the electron would have been it you didn’t take the measurements. The atom still exists either way

Well, if you’re me, please do my laundry.


The matter changes as we observe it. Haven’t you heard of it? The observer influences reality

95% of the universe is dark matter, we know nothing about it. Don’t trust science so much

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This is a delusion. I think it’s possible to reincarnate or be another person but you’re taking it to the extreme.

Most likely you’ve always been you even in your past lives. I remember you from these forums and everyone else here in my many past lives. Hench, my time loop. We’ve always been schizophrenic.

I know I’m delusional too, I guess.

It is possible to escape.

I believe in many worlds theory of quantum mechanics which the founder believes granted him immortality.

I also believe we live in a computer simulation.


You watched the Matrix one too many times. Computers are relatively new things.

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Ugh, what, I’m supposed to listen to shamanic or prophetic ramblings insead?

Jesus Christ, mate. I’ll stick with my scientific meds/supplements and scientifically trained doctors.


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I never said to stop studying and following science, but science alone can’t give the big picture.

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Almost all of what we know of the universe is thanks to science.

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We know nothing. We don’t know the 95% of the world around us.
I prefer philosophers’ insight, like Hegel, Kant etc

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Just because we don’t understand everything doesn’t mean we know nothing. It important to be able to say I know this, I don’t know that. Making up ideas to fill in what isn’t known thru science is nonsensical