I am all persons

And koo koo kajoo to you this fine Sunday morning.


If your evidence is “feels real” then it’s a delusion


It’s as real as the pain. With pain one must have personal experience to say it’s true. No need for proofs

You should have put a TW in title

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You think So? I will change it

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I tried but says I have no permission

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It’s ok nevermind 15515

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I don’t think it’s a contagious delusion

Do you people have personalities? Our minds are different?

We have the same mind. There are no different multiple minds

Reason is man’s only means of grasping reality and of acquiring knowledge—and, therefore, the rejection of reason means that men should act regardless of and/or in contradiction to the facts of reality.

I prefer intuition, knows more than all books of rationality

Reality doesn’t care what you prefer. Reality exists. A is A. If you get to where your going and ask “why am I here” check your premises

A voice in my head.

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There’s no objective reality, dude. It’s a projection of your mind. I am idealist

What did he say?

I am all Chihuahuas.


I am not here to debate or fight with endless conversations. I just don’t care.
If you have something to suggest about my “delusion”, I will hear it. I don’t know if i will accept it as truth

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Reality is objective, we are not. The best we can hope for is a subjecting objective view. If you dismiss objectivity then your standing on quicksand

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Which objectivity? Matter gets influenced by the witness of the experiment, as physics say.
There’s no one reality