I always got better along with males

Why? It’s just seems easier to me.
Women seem to often dislike me.
Sometimes, honestly, more often I also dislike them.
Maybe because of my difficult relationship with mother (which is not bad, but very unstable)


Probably because you’re gorgeous and they’re jealous.


I always find it hard to maintain friendship with a woman, aka the opposite sex. In the long haul, my best friends have been male.

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In teenage years most of my good friends were males. @Andrey

Thanks? :hushed::sweat_smile:
I really don’t think it’s the case. I saw prettier women which get along with other women totally normally :slight_smile:

I have a male childhood friend and 3 other, newer male friends.
By friend I don’t only mean someone to go out with, but someone who’s been there for me in times of need.

I have a female friend, but she drifted away after confessing her (unrequited) crush on me. She came back years later when she was in a relationship with another man and she no longer has feelings for me. But our current interaction is limited.

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I like chatting with women more than men. Women generally have more interesting conversations than males do.


I always try to get along with males in real life but they’re always passive aggressive for some reason the woman are typically nicer.

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I talk well with both, but topics flow better with women for me. I’ve had more female friends in adult life than male.

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Sounds weird, but i get along with homosexual people of both sexes better than i do with heterosexual individuals. I don’t know why, maybe cuz i feel they “get” me…

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I feel like I have two lives: young SkinnyMe and old SkinnyMe. The young one was constantly being pursued by young men and it was largely all unrequited. Young straight women didn’t like SkinnyMe but young lesbians generally did.

Old SkinnyMe has zero romantic interest, zero friendships and zero trust.

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:100: both in looks and personality :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Hahahaha. Funny.

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My best friends have always been female. Usually lesbian but not always.

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