Hypersexuality or just habit?

I feel like my porn use is a problem in my life. I’ve tried to quit twice but only last for Ike a month. I’m afraid to quit because I don’t have a girlfriend and I don’t want to become one of those celibate guys who looses all there masculinity…

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The best thing is to stop using the computer. I thought about it. It’s an addiction. Technology.

It’s usually on my phone. I never use my computer. I need a freaking girlfriend but I’m not stable enough to have one

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You can quit keep trying I quit

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Man it’s rough. Makes me feel bad after watching it a lot … I’ve made it like 90 days one time but I have to get a handle on it soon. It’s really causing me self esteem issues

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I take it as a addiction. I am an addict in denial at the moment. I cannot imagine life without it.

Same boat man …

Enough words

I have had problems with porn my whole life. I want sex and intimacy…but not like in porn, because that’s just bs.

I think I use it to escape when I’m worried or unsettled.

I’ve been breaking the habit lately though. I hardly watched any the last year. And when I do, it’s like…what are you doing, you know this is bs.

Anyway, I use parental control on my devices. Just a little measure so that it takes minutes instead of seconds to decide what I’m doing. Gets rid of the impulse calls. A psychological trick. It works very well for me actually. Now I just hope that I am able to leave it behind for good.

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Yeah I’m a bit undecided about porn. Not sure if i think its unhealthy or not. Depends on if it gets in the way of daily life or not i guess. Or if it conflicts with one’s personal belief’s.

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I never had an issue with porn as my compartmentalization has always been top notch, sometimes though I am too cerebral to compartmentalize and nothing’s fun at that point because it all looks wrong more often than not, I don’t get engrossed although I could because it’s unhealthy to fix compartmentalization during the act, I just go through the motions and get it done.

Either way my advice is this:
Don’t cut it out cold turkey from the getgo, use it as a tool to discipline yourself, you decide for example that you aren’t doing it while the sun is out if the issue is how pervasive it’s become in your life as an option. Or if your issue is with the type of porn you consume you decide to only use pictures of naked women and not raunchy videos bordering on disgusting. If your problem is in your relationship with women and how you see them, you pick longer form content like games with a story, and pick a story in which the characters fall in love like normal people, get to know each other so on and so forth and you learn to delay gratification and take your time like a big boy.

Porn addiction doesn’t mean much. What’s your problem with porn and how it impacts you negatively should inform you on the approach to take because, in fact, cutting off porn doesn’t even guarantee that you’ll see the changes in you that you are aiming to see. Try fixing the problem you have with porn instead of shifting the blame for all your maladaptations on what’s ultimately mere data with no power over you, it’s how you decided to approach and process that data that’s causing the issue and removing exposure to it is something that’s necessary for overuse but that will just sweep problems under the rug if the issue is actually with misuse.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t remove it from your life, but that there are more tools at your disposal to tackle the issue, all of which work on different aspects of your discipline. If water overflowing from the river is destroying your crops you can raise the river bank to prevent flooding, but you can also build an irrigation system that channels the excess water productively.

Either way you need to change your relationship with porn if it’s affecting you in ways you don’t like and if abstinence seems too daunting and makes you desist from tackling the problem, all the more reason to look for different, more targeted approaches.

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Hey! Im one of those celibate guys! Lol

They used to say god watches every thing you do

Now I guess It’s the government that watches every thing you do on your device, so to help quit porn just remember the NSA watches you masturbate :joy:

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Oh ok… sorry didn’t mean it in an offensive way. I just don’t want to give up sex

Yeah I know, I was just trying to be amusing

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You don’t lose your masculinity from being celibate. I am also not so sure what is so hot about masculinity anyhow. Got exposed to too much toxic masculinity as a kid in school.

Lastly, the sex in porn is exaggerated and not like nookie in real life. You’re setting yourself up with unhealthy and unrealistic expectations that aren’t achievable in real life because real life isn’t a porn vid.


I can second using parental controls to make it that one extra step and make me think before going on a porn site. I’ve fought with the porn monster ever since I was a teenager. Some times more than others it has taken up time I could have spent being more productive. I don’t think it’s bad to get your rocks off every so often. It’s good to get that post nut clarity! It’s a mistake to get rid of your computer. You will be bored and how will you shop, bank and book doctors etc. Just cultivate a little self-control.


It’s the complete opposite dude. Your testosterone shoots up when you stop. You mean a castrated person? Like a eunuch or the old days? Two different things. If you’re intact and don’t fornicate you get stronger mentally and physically, not weaker.


ye thats why boxers can have sex days before a match

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