Huge event for me

Last night I finally told my boyfriend about me. All about my schizoaffective and PTSD, the trauma I’d been through. He was very supportive and loving just like I thought he would be. I was just so nervous because when we went on our first or second date he said he didnt think he could date someone with schizoaffective because of a mutual friend we had who had it whose episodes he’d supported her through before. I reminded him of this and he said “Well I am dating you”. He told me he loved me no matter what and he wanted to be there for me through all my troubles and held me. I told him I hadn’t had a major episode in years and he said it didnt matter even if I was still having episodes he’d be there for me. Basically he was just perfect. I was crying and everything. I love my boyfriend, I really have found a keeper.


That is so heartwarming.
Congratulations @Anna!


Happy he was so understanding!


@Anna :clap::clap::clap: congrats! Good job! It’s so hard to find a guy like that! You go girl!


Mama chordy is concerned he’s just sweet talking you. Tread carefully, @Anna

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Sounds like a good man, it’s good to hear they are still out there and you found one

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Holy guacamole! That’s fantastic news!

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I’m so glad you found such a good guy. My husband is like that too. It helps so much!

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