How's the Christmas shopping going?

I got a head start this year and probably have 80 or 90 percent of mine done.

Have you started yet?

Are you finished?

I don’t usually start this early. I guess I had the shopping bug.


I have bought some gin for my step-father

Not done anything else yet.

Waiting to see what Black Friday has to offer this year


I actually just bought myself birthday presents (turn 54 on Friday). Will start buying myself Xmas prezzies next.


Happy early birthday. I will admit that I have been buying some things for myself while shopping as well. :blush:


We’re supposed to buy for others?



I bought myself a fleece cap and socks today for winter. Really like them.

I am thinking of xmas shopping from SHEIN (lots of cheap stuff).


I won’t be buying any gifts but I send cards each year. Maybe I’ll make cards this year, designed with Celtic knots, I learned how on YouTube. Everyone knows my financial situation and excuses me as the sick one. I bought a book of Christmas carols for mandolin and they touch the inner child in me. I know all the songs so far, we had Christmas records when I was a little child. I remember my eldest sister sleeping under the Christmas tree one night with the music on and how the lights on the tree made designs on the ceiling and that they were always different because the blinking colored lights of the tree weren’t synchronized.


Cards are nice to give and get.


In November there is my mom’s and dad’s birthday. So, I’ve been buying presents for them.

In December I’ll start to think about the holidays.


I haven’t started yet. I’ll start in the middle of the month. It’ll be quick. A lot of my shopping is online. Nieces just wants gift cards or cash. They’re easy.


I’m done!:open_mouth::slightly_smiling_face:

I started buying in December last year for this year’s Christmas.

I bought things during this year, wrapped and put in away.

I have all presents ready to be given.

I like to buy from animal sanctuary or animal rights organisations when I can.

I might stop buying presents in the future and make food or bake instead but I enjoy buying Christmas presents.

I usually buy online as it can be difficult for me at crowded shopping centres.

I made my boyfriend mum a doily but it didn’t turn out as it’s meant to but it’s still nice and i don’t make many things.

Next year my brother is getting a puzzle from Royal flying doctors and his wife too.

I got Christmas presents for next year already too.


Weird coincidence. I didnt see kxev 's post, but I had the same idea as you. I purchased two paintings and nesting dolls from Ukraine for some of my Christmas presents. I started out just purchases digital downloads. Wasn’t sure if they were able to ship until I asked. Also had some convo’s with some Ukranians on Etsy. The ones I have talked to seem like very good people.

P.S. The items were shipped out promptly. No idea how long it’s actually going to take to arrive. Going to have to buy 2 frames for paintings once they arrive, so I hope they get here at least a couple weeks before Christmas.


Where did you find where to buy from?

I have seen charity for animal shelter in Ukraine and wanted to donate a few dollars.

Getting my Christmas ducks in a row at the moment:

Just received some custom embroidered stockings for my mom, doggo, my dad, and myself— they look pretty nice!

Got most of the presents and stocking stuffers figured out— still sitting in my online cart until the moment is right :sweat_smile:.

Getting new tree decorations as well, which are also still in the cart… Our tree is gonna be woodland-themed :star_struck: :evergreen_tree:.


I usually start about now. Time to get going with it


Thankfully all my cousins are of legal age now,

So I can just get wine from the valley all around.

It’s fancy, it’s nice, it works.

But my sister is getting a painting I made of Lil Wayne.

His head is hovering above his body with the lyrics “Mind so sharp I ■■■■■■ around and cut my head off”.

She’ll get it if no one else does.

I think it’s hilarious.

Need to do something special for my son too.

I gave him a painting for his birthday recently so I don’t know what we’ll get this year.



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My Christmas present to myself is a 3 grand Pc Rig im having custom built.

The mum and daughters had theirs, 20 grand the other week for a light therapy room, among other things. (Its was long overdue, for not being a proper Daddy).

Us brothers and sisters dont bother with each other. Its always been my firm belief christmas should just be for children anyway. Not an excuse for idiots to get wasted down the bar.


I may get a box of cards to send out, but that’s about it. I don’t have anyone locally to buy something for anyway.


Myself and alot if relatives have agreed not to buy this year for each other due to gas and electric prices.

I will be buying some goodies for qwertle though. Later this month.

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