How you are doing? My work experience

I am doing not bad.

I will have two days off. My legs feel tired after 8 hour work on feet everyday but… other things are not bad. I like work environment and books. :))
Also, vraylar seems to help me a bit. (week with vraylar)

Some things in life are not very good, but overal…it’s ok.

Just a bit disappointed, at work they mentioned my start is really not very well, but atleast not the worst. They say there were way worse starters than me…
(so I fear now they will dump me after few months) But I try my best. (And they don’t know I have SZ, and I am probably not going to tell it anyone in the work)

So actually, it becomes more clear that my illness made me a bit different. Pre-illness everything came easy for me. Almost most subjects at school, also, I had perfect memory. Now it’s not like that… :frowning: Concentration and memory are not as good as it was. Also I am very slow.

But atleast I hope I will learn things faster and they won’t fire me.


Overall it’s my first real job… and first job with a cash machine. So I really worry when I need to communicate with people and sell books.
But it becomes easier everyday.
Even my shakiness lessen.
But yup, it’s sad I am not very good from the very beginning of this job.

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Everyone wants to be fast and have good memory and everything else , and don’t want to do anything to get that , or not doing for no reason. Be happy at your work , don’t need to tell them you have sz. Be creative work slow , with time you will become faster it’s your first job, when I started to work in supermarket I was super slow, but in 4 years I became one of the fastest. So I think you just need more time to get faster ,

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Probably truth.
Just I fear I won’t be able to become as fluent as other workers…
what I fear the most is that they could fire me. Then my hope to work probably will even more lessen…
But you’re right, it’s my first job and I have another three month trial period…
Ahh I wish everything will be ok.

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It’s just looks like that I think you are overthinking, if they throw you out then you will find another job,. But to fire you you must be very bad horrible. And not sane and not put any efforts. If you just slow there no reason for them to fire you , everyone has its own pace , and your supervisor should understand that you are new and need some time to adjust.if you work fast doesn’t mean you work good , fast work takes of quality of work. Don’t hurry to do things at work and don’t sleep everything comes with time

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Okay, thanks for being positive, @spirit_weaver
I really need to stop this overthinking thing. :slight_smile:

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I’m doing not very well , but things are improving I think I took sickness leaflet from work , my blood pressure was high taking medication from high blood pressure . I go to dancing meditation event in two weeks maybe it will be fun , the guide seems cool person


I hope everything will be okay to you. High blood pressure, no joke :confused: Mine blood pressure is jumping, sometimes normal, sometimes higher, sometimes lower.
By the way, medidation is a great thing. Just I would like it better alone than to go to event as an example :smiley:
But wish you the best of luck !!

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I want to meet new people isolation is not good I like socialising

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I fear and like socialising at the same time :smiley:

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