How to prove I am not schizophrenic?

People with schizophrenia are not generally violent, that’s a misconception.
If that’s what you’re worried about. I still don’t understand what it is you’re worried about, since the judge believed you.

The Rosenhan experiment, I’m aware. They faked hearing voices and then were almost all of them released with the schizophrenia in remission diagnosis.

I would think that nowadays it wouldn’t be so easy to be misdiagnosed. In case that doctor was in fact trying to hurt you, the worst he could do is send you home with a court ordered injection. You can always go to a private psychiatrist and ask for a reassessment of your situation.

You have to understand though, if a doctor gives you a diagnosis is extremelly difficult to believe the doctor isn’t right. And I get why you are angry, if it’s true that you in fact don’t have schizophrenia.

If you don’t than that doctor should lose his license, if you do have it, you’ll just lose money and time, when you should be focused on getting better.

Right when I was hospitalized, there was a case here in Portugal of a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia, the guy was allegedly fine, but was forced to stay in the hospital for six months. He won the case, when he sued the state.

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I think you should have let the medical students or doctors to decide for you in the first place instead of you directing them. Perhaps this was why she argued with you- she is doctor, not you.

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I don’t know how it works in the USA.
But here in france when a doctor decide to lock you then you are locked up. You are sent to a psychaitric hospital where another doctor makes another medical certificat.
But unless you’re rich or a powerfull figure(famous lawyer, famous person) then he will just copy and past the first certificat made by the first doctor. This is not what they are supposed to do, but this is what they do.

And this is what the stupid doctor did, plus he was obviously depressed and a drug or alcohol addict.

The third doctor was the friend of the student I had a probelm with at the first place and he managed his possible to present me as a paranoid in order to help her.

In this case many judges only rely on what the doctor said. But I was lucky and I did not give up, I defended myself and finaly convinced the judge.

But I need to sue this ■■■■■■■ and I am here to get a real touch about what is skyzophrenia.

Arguing with a doctor is not a symptom of schizophrenia and shouldn’t be grounds for a diagnosis.

My grandfather used to think he knew all about his health problems, and argued with everyone when he went to hospitals his whole life.

I did not direct her I just gave her informations in order to allow her to make the best diagnostic. Also I was not wrong about the b12 deficiency inducted by the diet I followed.

She’s the insane. She was arguing and almost made a hair bunches fight with the other young stutend; she was trying to dominate her(“I’m the older I a dominate”).

So, @keentom, are you going to see another doctor and getting the situation sorted out?

We really can’t help you much here, aside from telling you to go to a private/another psychiatrist.

I will. But I need to find a good one who won’t just copy and paste the first ones.

Maybe go to a private one and don’t mention the names of the doctors that gave you your initial diagnosis, just say you think they’re wrong and ask for a reassessment.

I will but I am afraid he will just be influenced by the first diagnostic. Psychiatrists don’t like to admit they can missdiagnostic or be dishonest. Admitting another psy made errors or was dishonest is admitting hey are powerless.

Plus if I tell him I was locked up he will understand it was in a public hospital and they all know who is the psychiatrist working there.

Just live your life. If you’re not, you have nothing to worry about. I say let it be for a while, rest from the situation, don’t let the anger consume you. If you’re still angry about it after a few months, go to a private psychiatrist and ask for a reassessment, say you were hospitalize but that you doubt your diagnosis.


like @anon31257746 @flameoftherhine mentioned, schizophrenia is usually unnoticeable because it’s not a skin color or physical feature of the nose, throat, eyes, etc.

but if you want to prove that you’re not schizophrenic or no longer schizophrenic, I think you will need to go to some doctor and get evaluated so that it’s recorded and official. That’s what the government and psych wards do.